
DID YOU KNOW : CLPe working with a SLR5500 / SLR1000


The 1W PLUS version of the CLPe operates on licenced channels between 450-470Mhz. ( CLP1166BWLAA). It is not compatible with PMR446 channels, but the fact that it can operate on licenced channels, opens up a number of opportunities to use this great new radio on systems that require greater coverage or voice security beyond that available from the standard 446.



The radio operates in analogue mode and can be programmed with licenced channels that are either single or dual frequency. This means they are compatible with the SLR1000 / SLR5500, or most other analogue repeaters, and can also have PL or DPL programmed as well. Note that the frequency range of the radio is 450-470Mhz so the single or dual frequencies would need to sit within that range.



So in circumstances where a customer requires a very small radio operating over a larger coverage area than can be achieved by 446, this can be supported by the CLPe Plus radio.








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